Use of Aerial Photographs from Internet Sources for HVE-2D Environment
R. Torrey Roberts, P.E., FDJ Engineering, Dave L. Jakovac, P.E., FDJ Engineering
Originally Published © 2010 Engineering Dynamics Corporation
ABSTRACT There are multiple aerial photograph sources on the internet that contain high quality images capable of being successfully imported into HVE-2D and used for environment backgrounds. This paper will discuss a process that can be quickly utilized to import aerial photographs into HVE-2D to create accident simulation environments. Software required includes HVE/HVE-2D, a PDF editor with dimension feature, Microsoft Word, and Internet Explorer or other browser. The imported aerial photographs need to be scaled to on-site tangible dimensions with a PDF editor before being used as an environment. Site diagram information can be added to the aerial photograph with the PDF editor before importing to HVE. The aerial photograph can then be saved as a .tif file, and imported into the HVE environmental editor as an object texture on a slab of the same dimensions as the scaled aerial photograph. Camera and vehicle positions can then be manipulated in HVE without change of environment scale. This paper will discuss this process in detail and provide examples of imported HVE environments. READ FULL PUBLICATION HERE